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Very kind crew and best best local beer
View from the restaurant looking outside.
Wonderful breakfast with art and coffe


You are in the Arch which history traces back to the
emperors Julian who developed the area as a Harbor. İt is said
that this arch was built at that time and used as a Costume and for
building small ships called Galleys AD 361-363.
The former ports on the Golden Horn side of the newly re-founded city turned
insufficient for the marine transportation with the increasing population and
economic revival. Thus, new ports were built on the Propontic coast of the city
in the reigns of the emperors Iulianus CE  361-363 and Theodosius I CE 379-295.

The harbor built by Julian’s is thought to have had a vaulted semicircular
colonnade on the land side and it is called Portus Novus (‘the New Port’) in
Notitia and called Megistos Limên (‘the Biggest Port’) by Zosimos. In the reign of
Anastasius (r. AD 491-5
18), the bottom of the harbour was dredged making it
deeper and a mole was built thus enlarging it. Followin
g the fire in 561, the
harbor was rebuilt by Iustinus II (r. AD 565-578) and named Sophia after the


There are various opinions regarding its use. Some researchers claim that it was
an economic port for there were granaries nearby; however, in 695 the revolt
against Justinianus II was started using ships k
nown as Dromon anchored at this
port; thus, it is plausible that it was used for military purposes as well. Later the
port was called Kontoskalion and became the main base for the Byzantine navy
(MüllerWiener 1998, 8). In the thirteenth century the bottom of the harbor was
dredged and cleaned, the fortification walls around it were repaired and an iron
door was installed at its entrance. Thus, the harbour became the longest-living

harbor of the empire on the Marmara coast.

Following the Turkish conquest in 1453, the harbor was used for sheltering the
Ottoman naval galleys and turned to a swamp by the end of the 16th century;
thus, the Grand Vizier Sokullu Mehmet Pasha had it entirely filled (Müller-
Wiener 1998, 8-11, 30-33). The harbor was called Kadırga Limanı, i.e. Galley
Harbor, and the neighborhood behind it has been called Kadırga since then.


Food tradition of ‘Asia Minor’... Lying at the heart of Asia Minor, Anatolia was the cradle of civilizations, including the Hittites, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and Ottomans, for many centuries. It connected the east and west not only geographically but culturally as well. It was the melting pot of rich cultures of Turks, Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, Greeks, Armenians, Jews, Georgians and many more. Asia Minor’s varied cuisine
reflects the country’s history as the epicenter of trade between Europe and Asia.


Exotic spice markets and historic covered bazaars offer treasures from four corners of the globe. Being the refined product of centuries of experience, the modern Asia Minor Cuisine has a very pure quality. The variety and simplicity of the recipes and the quality of the ingredients are guarantees of delicious meals. Asia minor cuisine is seen as one of the three richest and oldest cooking traditions of the world together with French and Chinese cooking.


While it has come to be associated with kebap, baklava, lokum and ayran there is a rich and variegated tradition of soups, olive oil dishes, rice pilafs, stuffed vegetables, pastries, puddings and syrupy desserts. It offers unique tastes in spicy appetizers, pickles, fruit preserves, sherbet and of
course, coffee.

The diversity of Anatolian cuisine reflects the cultures of the populations living in regions highly dissimilar in geography and climate. This has led to an abundance of ingredients and cooking styles. The Southeast and the East are known for the dishes based on cracked wheat and meat with hot spices, the Aegean, for olive oil dishes enhanced with local herbs, the Black Sea region, for varieties of anchovy and collard, and Istanbul is a world unto itself with, among others, eggplant dishes which come in no less then 41 sorts.


The modern İstanbulian cuisine is largely the heritage of Ottoman cuisine, which can be described as a fusion and refinement of Central Asian, Middle Eastern and Balkan cuisines. Turkish cuisine has in turn influenced neighboring cuisines, including that of western European. The Ottomans fused various culinary traditions of their own with influences from Middle Eastern cuisines, along
with traditional Turkic elements from Central Asia. All these unique characteristics and history have bestowed upon the Asia Minor Cuisine a rich and varied number of dishes, which can be prepared and combined with other dishes in meals of almost infinite variety.

Today Anatolia is a region coined as the 'bread basket of the world'. Turkey, even now, is one of only a few countries in the world which produces enough food to feed everyone and then some to export. At Anatolian Foods we are proud to be a part of the culinary tradition. We focus on importing traditional food products and ingredients that have contributed in making Turkish cuisine one of the best in the world.



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Amphora fire pot show.
Wonderful dinner with art and local wine
Tourists enjoying the flavors of local cuisine.

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